Fàilte gu làrach-lìn Deasbaid Nàiseanta nan Àrd-sgoiltean
Tha Deasbad Nàiseanta nan Àrd-sgoiltean ag amas air sgilean conaltraidh òigridh a’ leasachadh
tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig agus a’ brosnachadh ceangalan eadar sgoilearan bho air feadh Alba.
Mealaibh ur naidheachd Àrd-sgoil Phort Rìgh a shoirbhich aig Deasbad Nàiseanta nan Àrd-sgoiltean 2024!
Welcome to the National Gàidhlig Debate Competition
The main aim of the National Gàidhlig Debate Competition is to encourage the development of pupils communications skills through the medium of Gàidhlig and encouraging connections between pupils all over Scotland. This year the heats will take place in Stornoway on the 5th and 6th of November.
The four teams with the highest points will make it through to the semi-finals in Edinburgh and the final rounds will take place on the 27th and 28th of November.
We hope to add more information to this page through the competition so keep an eye out.
For more information contact us via email: deasbad@gmail.com
Semi-finalists announced
This week secondary school pupils from across Scotland made their way to Stornoway for the preliminary rounds of the Gaelic Secondary Schools Debating competition. An Lanntair in Stornoway was the setting for the first and second rounds of the prestigious competition which is celebrating its twenty fifth anniversary. The judges Joy Dunlop, Iain MacAulay and Angus MacLennan, certainly had their work cut out choosing the four teams who would proceed to the final stages of the competition. The four teams who have reached the semi-final stages of this year’s competition are Àrd-sgoil Gàidhlig Ghlaschu v Àrd-Sgoil Sheumais Ghilleasbuig and Sgoil Sir E Scott v Àrd-Sgoil Phort Rìgh.
The semi-finals will be held at the Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh on Wednesday the 27th November, starting at 6.30pm. The Final will be held the following evening in the Scottish Parliament and will be broadcasted live on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal from 7pm. The event will also be livestreamed.
Tanya Davies, Project Director of Spiorad na Mara, the proposed offshore wind farm located off the west coast of Lewis, who are the main funders of the 2024 competition said: We’re proud to be supporting this initiative and the important contribution it makes to Gaelic language learning. Those involved have gained many valuable lifelong skills and I would like to congratulate all those who participated. I wish the four teams who have reached the semi-final stages all the best in their preparations ahead of the final rounds in Edinburgh”.
Commenting on the two days of competitions, Joy Dunlop, added: “On behalf of the judges I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teams who took part in the debates over the last two days. It was apparent that a huge amount of preparatory work had taken place and all competitors are to be commended for the excellent entertainment and thought-provoking debates they showcased. On this, my third and final year as judge, I have thoroughly enjoyed this experience and the Deasbad really is one of the jewels in the crown of the Gaelic language. On this, the 25th year since the competition began, it is a hugely important event and I would like to see more schools participating in the coming years.
The Management Committee of the National Gaelic Schools Debating competition are delighted to announce a new major sponsor for the 2024 competition. The proposed Spiorad na Mara offshore wind farm project, will act as the lead sponsor for Deasbad 2024.
The funding which has been secured from Spiorad na Mara will allow the 2024 competition to take place on what will be the 25th anniversary of the prestigious competition. The first two rounds will take place at An Lanntair in Stornoway on the 5th and 6th of November 2024.
Tanya Davies, Project Director of Spiorad na Mara, said:
“We are delighted to sponsor this excellent initiative for the first time. We were hugely impressed with how this competition has evolved and developed over many years and is now seen as a highlight in the secondary academic calendar. We understand and appreciate that Gaelic is a crucial element of Scottish heritage, and we are proud to show our support to events that give young people the ability to develop their Gaelic skills.”
Evelyn Coull Macleod, Chairperson of an Deasbad Nàiseanta’s Management Committee, commented: “We are delighted to be back together organising the 2024 Deasbad. We would particularly like to thank Spiorad na Mara for their support. In ever challenging times and funding becoming increasingly difficult to source, along with rising costs of hosting events such as these, we have been provided a lifeline for the 2024 competition. We would also like to thank the following groups for providing continued funding and support this year: The Scottish Government, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Education Scotland, Highland Council, Skills Development Scotland, Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig, BBC Gaelic Broadcasting, Glasgow City Council and Bòrd na Gàidhlig”. ,
The four teams with the overall highest marks will progress to the semi-finals that will take place in Edinburgh on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th of November. The final will once again take place at the Scottish Parliament. The committee welcomes back judges Joy Dunlop, Angus Maclennan and Iain MacAulay. The platform gives participants a unique opportunity to develop and showcase their language and debating skills amongst their peers, Gaelic development agencies and members of the Scottish Parliament.
Further information on the first two rounds will be released soon.
Fàilte gu làrach-lìn ùr na Deasbaid. Bha sinn air ais airson cò-fharpais 2024. Bha na chiad cuairtean a gabhail àite ann an Steòrnabhagh air an 5mh agus 6mh den t-Samhain.
Bidh sinn an dòchas barrachd fiosrachaidh a chur air an duilleag seo, cumhaibh sùil a-mach!
Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh cuiribh fios gu:
Evelyn Coull Macleod

Àrd-sgoil Phort Rìgh
Deasbad 2024 - A' Chuairt Dheireannach agus Iar Chuairt Dheireannach

Gailearaidh Bhuannaichean
Sir E Scott a bhuannaich farpais 2023 le britheamhan Aonghas Mac'Illinnein, Joy Dunlop agus Iain MacAmhlaigh