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Dileab: Leverhulme

Dileab 2024: Leverhulme 

By delivering a progressive, ongoing programme of thematic activities over a number of years, in conjunction with schools, the Dìleab programme is ensuring that young people in the Western Isles engage with aspects of language, culture, music and drama in a structured way that equates neatly and effectively with the experiences and outcomes of Curriculum for Excellence. 

The community is indeed the focus of the study and its members are actively encouraged to participate in all aspects of the planning, preparation, delivery and appreciation of Dìleab activities. It is an excellent example of intergenerational collaboration with all participants benefitting. Partnership from Fèisean nan Gàidheal and local Comunn Eachdraidh societies has been crucial in bringing this to fruition. 

On 3 September 1923, Viscount Leverhulme, as he had become the previous year, addressed the Stornoway Council and the Lewis District Council at a meeting which he had asked to be specially convened on that date. Lord Leverhulme invited members to take ownership of the land and make their proposed system work, but only Stornoway, always on Leverhulme's side, accepted the gift, set up the Stornoway Trust, and to a large extent made it work for the benefit of the town. Left with so much of the island he no longer wanted, Leverhulme sold off as much as he could, but many of the buyers were only interested in shooting and fishing.  

The theme of land raiding  and the legacy left by Lord Leverhulme was explored against this background and the activities culminated with the following showcase concerts: 


Stornoway Primary School, An Lanntair, 14th March 2024 

Sir E Scott/Leverhulme Memorial, SES School, 27th March 2024 

Sgoil an Rubha, An Lanntair, 8th May 2024 

The Nicolson Institute, An Lanntair, 15th May 2024 

In addition to this all schools participated in the historical and storytelling element and several schools worked with creative practitioners to produce plays for Mòd Ionadail Leòdhais. 

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar would like to thank the Scottish Government for their support in bringing Dìleab 2024 to fruition.  Ongoing support from partner agency, Fèisean nan Gàidheal, continues to reap benefits for all.