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Dileab air a' Chuan

Dileab: Air a Chuan

A’ leantainn cho soirbheachail sa bha pròiseact Dìleab ann an 2018, thoisich obair air CD Dìleab ann an 2019 le còig tracaichean, air an seinn le Willie Campbell agus sgoilearan bho air feadh nan Eilean Siar. Anns an Fhaoilleach 2020 bha cothrom aig Dìleab pàirt a ghabhail ann an Celtic Connections, a toirt sgoilearan bho air feadh nan eilean còmhla airson taisbeanadh ann an Glaschu. ‘S e ‘Dìleab: Air a’ Chuan’ an t-ainm a bh’ air an seo mar ceangal gu ‘Year of Coasts and Water’.

Following the success of the Dìleab project in 2018, production began in 2019 of a Dileab CD with five tracks, featuring Willie Campbell and pupils from across the Western Isles. In January 2020 Dìleab was given the opportunity to perform at Celtic Connections, bringing pupils from across the islands together for one massive showcase in Glasgow. This event was called ‘Dìleab: Air a’ Chuan’ as a link to what was the Year of Coasts and Waters

Dìleab: Air a' Chuan, brings together school pupils and musicians from across the Western Isles to celebrate our rich connection with the waters which surround us through music and song, as part of the 2020 Year of Coasts and Waters. Sgoil Lionacleit Pipe Band, the Sir E Scott school choir and soloists, musicians and choral singers from the four secondary schools in the Outer Hebrides will be joined by Willie Campbell, Ceitlin Lilidh and Padraig Morrison and other island musicians in this special one-off performance which promises to be an excellent evening of entertainment. The evening will be hosted by former pupil of Sgoil Lionacleit, Linda MacLeod.

Dileab Air a' Chuan