a lot more than two languages

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Gaelic Pre-School Provision
Solar Ro-sgoile Gàidhlig
Across The Western Isles there are Gaelic Parent and Toddler Groups, Play Groups and Gaelic Medium Nurseries. Children are introduced to Gaelic through songs, rhymes, games, and Gaelic phrases, making it fun and easy to join in.
Gaelic Medium Primary Provision
Solar Foghlam Bun-sgoile tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar offer Gaelic Medium Education (GME) across pre-school establishments, in primary schools and in secondary schools across the Western Isles.
What support is available to parents who do not speak Gaelic?
Dè an taic a th’ ann do phàrantan aig nach eil Gàidhlig?
Assistance with homework is available from your local school and on-line at:
Research Conclusions
Co-dhùnaidhean Rannsachaidh
“Gaelic-medium pupils perform better than their English-medium peers in English reading and at least as well in science, mathematics and English writing”
Dr Wilson Mcleod
The University of Edinburgh
For more information on Gaelic Medium Education contact: