Ghabh sgoilearan bho GM7 bho air feadh Leòdhas agus na Hearadh pàirt ann an Dìleab an t-Siorraidh nas tràithe air a’ bhliadhna. Bha na britheamhan air am beò ghlacadh le cho fileanta sa bha na sgoilearan agus iad a’ beachdachadh air a’ chuspair ‘Mi fhèin ‘s mo Ghàidhlig’. On a seo chaidh grunn dhiubh sin a chlàradh agus chìthear feadhainn an-seo. Cò is fheàrr a bhith a’ beachdachadh air foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig is na buannachdan na na sgoilearan fhèin! Bha sinn cuideachd toilichte gu robh pàrant no dhà deònach bruidhinn ruinn cuideachd. Seo agaibh taghadh bho Sgoil a' Bhac agus Bun Sgoil Steòrnabhaigh
O chionn ghoirid fhuair sinn cothrom bruidhinn ri sgoilearan air AS6 ann an Àrd-sgoil MhicNeacail. Dh’innis iad mu mar a tha Gàidhlig cudromach dhaibh agus mar a tha e air iomadach cothrom a thoirt dhaibh on a thòisich iad ann an foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Nach math a bhith a’ cluinntinn mun phròis a tha aca anns a’ chànan agus tha sinn a’ guidhe gach soirbheachas dhaibh nuair a chrìochnaicheas iad san sgoil.
GM7 pupils from across Lewis and Harris took part in Dìleab an t-Siorraidh earlier in the year. The judges were impressed by how fluent the pupils were when discussing the topic 'Myself and my Gaelic'. Since then, several of these have been recorded and some can be seen here. Who better to discuss Gaelic Medium Education and the benefits than the pupils themselves! We were also happy that a couple of parents were willing to talk to us as well. Here is a selection from Back School and Stornoway Primary School.
We recently had the opportunity to speak to pupils in S6 at the Nicolson Institute. They spoke about how important Gaelic is to them and how it has given them many opportunities since they started their Gaelic-medium education. It is great to hear about the pride they have in the language and we wish them every success when they finish school.