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‘S e pròiseact àrd-amasach dà-chananach agus eadar-ghinealach a th’ ann an Dìleab, a rannsachadh  dileab ceithir de na prìomh bhuaidhean sòisealta air na h-Eileanan a-Muigh tharais air na ceud bliadhna a chaidh seachad. ‘S e lèirsinn Roinn an Fhoghlaim, Sgilean agus Seirbheisean Chloinne a th’ anns a phròiseact seo agus tha obair shònraichte ann an sgoiltean agus coimhearsnachdan airson an pròiseact a thoirt gu buil.

Gheibhear barrachd fiosrachaidh air duilleagan fa leth air gach pàirt den phròiseact.

Dìleab is an ambitious inter-generational and bilingual project exploring the legacy of four of the major social influences on the Outer Hebrides over the last 100 years. The project is the vision of the Department of Education, Skills and Children’s Services and work has been done within our schools and communities in bringing the project to fruition.

More information can be found on the projects’ individual pages.

Dìleab: Lord Leverhulme

Barrachd fiosrachaidh...

Dìleab: Eilithireachd

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Dìleab Air a' Chuan

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Dìleab: A Legacy

Barrachd fiosrachaidh...