Goireasan Foghlam bho Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.
Air an duilleag seo gheibh sibh lorg air na cuspairean ri leantainn; Ealain Cruthachail, Litearachd agus Gàidhlig, Cuspairean Sòisealta, Eòlas Creideamh agus Moraltachd, Àireamhachd agus Matamataigs, Teicneòlas, Saidheans agus Slàinte agus Sunnd.
'S urrainn dha na goireasan seo a bhi air an cleachdadh bho aoisean tràth-ìre troimh gu foghlam àrd-ìre.
Education resources from Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.
This page houses resources for the following topics; Creative Arts, Literacy and Gàidhlig, Social Subjects, Religious and Moral Studies, Numeracy and Mathematics, Technologies, Science and Health and Wellbeing.
These resources can be used from early years all the way through to senior phase education.